Check your love

Check your love

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Far quadrare tutto. Ogni affetto al suo posto.
Contorni di amicizie ben delineati. Con tanto di geolocalizzazione attiva.

Casa numero uno. Casa numero due. Casa numero tre. Stella.
Valigie su valigie. Spostamenti su spostamenti. Treni su treni. Saluti su saluti.
E’ quasi giunto il fatidico momento del resoconto di fine anno.
Ed io lo faccio con quest’ultimo outfit del 2014 prima del post conclusivo di mercoledì.
Una stampa a quadri rossi e neri.
Perché a volte si ha bisogno di definire tutto. Anche un vestito.

Everything must be at the right place.
Frienships outlines clearly defined with an additional service of geolocation.
Home number one. Home number two. Home number three.
A lot of suitcases, a lot of travels, a lot of trains, a lot of greetings.
It’s almost time to say goodbye to this year.
And I want to do it with this latest look before the final post on Wednesday.
A black and red checked print.
Because sometimes we need to define everything. Also a dress.

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella

Check printed dresses, Choies spedizioni Italia, Zara high heels, Arcadia Bags bolsas, Armani black coat, cappotti lunghi neri - outfit italian fashon blogger It-Girl by Eleonora Petrella


DRESS: Choies

COAT: Armani


BAG: Arcadia

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